Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Saturday night Jamie and I had sushi for dinner. If you haven't tried AKA Sushi yet, it is fantastic. I have been there like 5 times the last 2 weeks. They are in the same building as Quizno's and Starbucks.

Philadelphia rolls and shrimp tempura.

Red dragon. (yum)

Saturday, April 18, 2009


For Easter we went to my dad's for dinner. It was the first home cooked meal that we had since Averi was born and let me tell you, it was yummy!!

Averi sleeping thru dinner
A good picture of her with her eyes open that morning
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Averi's First Bath

As you can tell, she wasn't much of a fan:)

Kaiden's 2nd Birthday Party

Kaiden going down his new slide.

Kaiden & Kodie putting together Kaiden's B'day present.

Kaiden's new dump truck.

Averi Mae Rippee

Averi Mae was born April 6th at 9:21 am. She weighed 6lbs 14 oz and was 19in long. She decided to come 3 weeks early and really surprised her parents. My water had broke around 7am on the 5th, but I didn't really think that was what had happened. I woke up wet and thought that maybe the baby's head had hit my bladder and I just wet myself. So, I cleaned myself up and went back to bed. I woke up another hour later and was wet again and didn't really think much of it. At 11 am Gary told me to call the hospital because he thought my water had broke. I called the hospital and they said that I should come up because it did sound like my water had broke. My step mom was having a shower for me that day so I asked if I could go to the shower and then come up, they said sure. So, I went to the was a fast one, and then went up to the hospital around 4:30pm. At that time they checked me and really wasn't 100% positive if my water had broke so I went for an ultrasound and at the time it was verified. The doctor decided to let me progress on my own and let me tell you that took forever. At 4am they decided to induce me since I wasn't progressing at all. By 6am I was still at a 1 and the contractions were starting to hurt. The nurse told me that I couldn't get the epidural until I was at a 3 or 4, but could see about giving me a relaxer. So she gave me something that was suppose to help me sleep between contractions, however by time I received this lovely drug my contractions were 3 minutes apart. The doctor came in around 8am and said that he was just going to keep an eye on my and let nature takes it course. I asked him to check me and he said no because they had just checked me 2 hours earlier and nothing had changed and didn't want to risk an infection. When the doctor left the room I had the worst contraction ever and told the nurse that I felt like I needed to push. She checked me and Averi was ready to make her appearance. The nurse had to run to get the doctor because he was getting ready for a c-section so that he could come in to deliver our little girl. By this time I was freaking out because my chance of getting the epidural were over and I was going to have this baby without drugs, my worst nightmare. After about 40 minutes of pushing, Averie Mae Rippee entered this world. The pain was the worst experience ever, but the end was result was well worth it.

Here are some pictures of the day she was born and her first day home. They aren't in any kind of order, enjoy!!

Sidney loves the Bobby Pillow
Sidney checking out his baby sister
Her fist day home in the outfit that her cousin Macy bought her
Cousin Kaiden giving her kisses
Leaving the Hospital
The weather the day we left the hospital.
Kodie helping getting Averi dressed to go home
Grandma Missy
No need to comment:)
Aunt Ashley
Uncle Tyler
She's a Tiger fan already!!
Grandma Patty
The weather the day Averi was born
Grandma Iles
Grandpa Iles
Kodie holding his little sister for the first time
Gary relaxing in his chair/bed before Averi's arrival
Me hanging out waiting for something to happen