Kodie has had districts and his Little Caesar's playoffs. His team didn't do too well at either and are done for the season. However this weekend, we did enter a Big Bear Tournament here in town. Gary will have to give you scores and more of an update. I can't remember what the scores were to each game or who we even played. I guess I should start writing this stuff down.
We have also started setting up the nursery. Gary surprised me a couple weeks ago with the crib and dresser. That weekend I cleaned all her bedding and clothes that we have received so far and started to put things together. The room is almost done. There are just a few more things that we want to hang on the walls. Here is a picture of the crib. I also attached a photo of a lamp that we bought at Target to put on her dresser. The photo is for my mom, she was trying so hard to find something and wasn't coming up with anything. Mom, I hope you like the lamp.
This past week, I had my 30 week appointment. Everything is going really good and the baby is measuring right on time. Starting the first week of March I will have to start going to the doctors once a week for non-stress tests. The reason for the tests is just to make sure that there isn't any stress on the baby since my ANA is still in the 640's. For those of you that don't know what an ANA is, it is a blood tests that can tell you if you have an auto-immune disease. An example of an auto-immune disease is Lupus. The doctors think this is why I was in the hospital for over a week last June and just want to be extra cautious. I have had many tests to rule out a lot of diseases and they say it could take years before they can pin point which one it is. Since I haven't had any problems since last year, the doctors don't seem to think it's something to worry about. To give you a comparison, a normal person's ANA should be less than 100. Anyway, everything is going good so far with the pregnancy. I can't believe that she is due to arrive in 2 months. Here is an updated photo of my belly. (I didn't realize I was wearing the same outfit as my 26 week photo, but then again I rotate the same 5 outfits for work:))
I think that just about wraps it up. I'll do my best to keep this thing updated better. Until next time, take care!