Monday, March 23, 2009


Last Wednesday we had our last ultrasound. Everything looked great and I am measuring exactly to my due date of April 25th. She is already head down and weighs around 5lbs 12oz. I am hoping Dana, our friend and ultrasound tech, is a little off or else I might be having a gigantic baby. Please pray for me! Dana also stated that she has big feet and a full head of hair. We are getting really excited to meet this baby girl and can't wait to see what she looks like. We didn't get any good photos because she wasn't cooperating, her face was to my back the entire time.

The Non-Stress Tests are still going good. Last week the darn machine kept eating the paper, so instead of laying for 20 minutes, I ended up being in there for an entire hour! The baby usually has multiple accelerated heart rates within that time, but last week we could barely get 2 on the paper. I know her heart rate accelerated more than 2x, but because of that stupid machine the doctor didn't seem too thrilled with the results. So, hopefully this week she does a lot better and that darn machine doesn't eat the results.

I also had 2 baby showers this past weekend, so I will post about those later. They were both a really good time, but man am I tired! Stay tuned to read about all the fun:)


Kelly said...

Hey, the baby in the watch me grow chart moved to the last box! How exciting!

Kelly said...

Love the picture of Averi! You have got to post more and let us know how she is doing!