So, we have been holding out on blogging about something, but we think it's time to share some news with our friends. We are Pregnant!! Yes, that is correct, I am expecting. I am exactly 16 weeks today. I know we should have blogged about this before now, but honestly we kept on forgetting. The baby is due at the end of April. Dana Everett, one of the mom's on Kodie's hockey team is an ultrasound tech, and is going to do our first one on Wednesday so we can find out if we are having a boy or a girl. We are super excited!! Kodie can't wait to be a big brother and doesn't really have a preference of a boy or girl. He will be the best big brother a sibling could have.
Gary took a picture this morning of my growing belly at 16 weeks. I think it looks a lot bigger in this picture then if you were to see me in person. I can still wear all of my regular clothes and I don't think I look pregnant yet, but Kodie might disagree. Although, this picture sure makes me look pregnant.

Also, Kodie had 2 hockey games this weekend, Saturday in Redford and Sunday at home. We lost to Redford 8-3 and we tied Port Huron at home 3-3.
I spy a cute baby bump!!! :)
Call me as soon as you find out on Wednesday! I am dying to know. Drew and I wagered our bets already. I say girl. Drew says boy.
Jamie!!!!! I am so happy for you guys!!! Wow! I never would have guessed! and you don't look pregnant yet- I promise! Are you feeling better? Congrats again and can't wait to see what you are having! :)
Congratulations to you both! :) So excited to have a new little cousin in the family! :)
Congratulations again! Your belly is sooo cute. I am so excited for all of you.
Fatty!!!!! HA! So are you moving down to Indy so that we can spend time with baby? Come on now, you know you want to!
Congratulations to the Rippee Family!!! We are soooo excited for you!!! (I'm glad it's you and not me, ha ha ha) Well, you only need three more after this one, and you will be right up there with us and the Boldts. Hope you have a great pregnancy, and a wonderful birth. Take it easy!!
Love, the Bonser Family
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