Well, it's been forever since we have updated the blog. The holidays are always so busy that it is hard enough to get everything done on time, as most of you know. I will try to remember everything that we have done over the last month to get you back up to date. Here it goes...
On Thursday, the 18th we did Christmas with the BeViers. It was a nice evening. I made sloppy joes for dinner and Melissa brought some yummy gingerbread cookies for desert. Kodie got just what he wanted which was the Call of Duty 4 X-box game. Gary and I recieved a family picture that Melissa took of us in the fall with a frame, but minus the frame. We haven't found a frame that we like yet, so the frame is coming as soon as we can find one. But I have a feeling, it is going to look awesome when it is complete. As soon and everyone was done opening presents, Tyler and him went straight down stairs and started playing the game. We practically had to tear them away from the game when it was time for Tyler to leave.

Finally, a digital camera!
Stacey, Jamie, Jamie & Ashley
Santa Ed!
Later that evening my mom, sister, and I went to a Christmas Eve service at WestWinds. It has always been a tradition of ours to go to church on Christmas eve and the last few years we haven't been able to do that, so it was really nice that this year we made it a point to go. The service was nice and so spending time with my mom and sister. After that we all opened our new Christmas P J's. It's our yearly tradition.
Christmas day was very nice. The day started with the three of us and my mom opening presents. It was a morning full of surprises. Kodie received his Red Wings Datsyuk jersey that he has been wanting forever and Gary received his Winter Classic Red Wings Lidstrom jersey. Gary and Kodie surprised me by getting me the crib for the baby. (more on the crib in a later post, lets just say DRAMA) I was so excited and surprised that all I could do was cry. Those darn emotions, I just can't control them. Later that morning, my sister came over and we did Christmas with her and my mom. We all got a lot of nice things and the baby even did pretty good for not even being here yet. You can tell she is going to be spoiled my many people when she arrives. My mom and I (more my mom than me) made Christmas dinner for Gary's family. We made a turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn bread casserole, and rolls. Gary's brother made green bean casserole and also brought ham and sweet potatoes and his mom brought her famous apple pie. Needless to say, we had more than enough food to eat. After dinner we opened presents with them and received some more nice things. Let's just say, Santa was very generous this year to everyone.
The day after Christmas, my mom, sister, and I went to Lopez's Taco House and met my Aunt Sue and Elisa for lunch. Lopez's is located in Albion and they have the best tacos ever. We have all been going there for years and it still tastes the same. It was nice to catch up with them and visit. I really miss seeing them and hanging out. When I was little we always did everything together, just the five of us girls. Lunch brought back a bunch of good memories and good laughs:)
On Saturday, I finally broke down and went maternity shopping with my mom. Needless to say, I think my mom enjoyed the experience more than I did. I tried on a million different clothes and spent a small fortune. Although, I have to say that I still haven't worn any of the clothes because I am holding out as long as I can. I think the the day is coming sooner than later because I am running out of tops to wear to work. I can still fit into a lot of my pants because I keep pulling them out of my chest. In the chest are clothes that I kept from when I was chunky during and after college. I knew I kept all those clothes for a reason. All in all, it was nice to spend time with my mom.
On New Year's Eve we did another Christmas with Gary's Uncle John. Gary brought home Sir Pizza for dinner and we opened presents and enjoyed his company. Kodie had his friend Joe Boldt over for the evening. It was a really low key evening, considering I was sick with a darn cold from hell. I am still trying to fight the darn thing, but it was so bad that I ended up not going to work all week. Kodie and Joe stayed up to see the clock hit midnight, which actually surprised Gary and I as much as they were surprised that they did it. Kodie's new year resolution is to not drink any pop for the entire year. If he accomplishes his goal he asked us if Gary and I would pay him $100 bucks, we kindly agreed to take him up on his offer. So far, he has done a good job. Good luck Kodie and your resolution!!
The Winter Classic Game was on New Year's Day. Gary's brother, Jamie, Dana, and Kaiden all came over to watch the game. It was a great game!! The Red Wings put the smack down on the Blackhawks. The only thing that would have made the day even better was if Gary could have gotten to watch it live at Wrigley Field. We tried and tried to get tickets, but the price was ridiculous and they didn't release many to the public. Another bummer was that he couldn't even wear his new jersey because the lettering on the back was a screwed up, so we have to return it. But hey, at least the Wings won!!

All in all the holidays were fun, but I can also say that I am happy that they are over. I hope I didn't forget anything and you were able to stay awake to read my entire novel. I hope everyone had a nice holiday and that everyone's new year is filled with lots of love and happiness.
Finally an update!!! Did your Dad approve the posting of the picture of him in his Santa boxers?
So glad you decided to update!! Looks like you had a great Christmas and I enjoyed all of your pictures! You didn't have very much fun maternity shopping?? I LOVED maternity clothes...well until the last month or so but still! I hoep you change your mind once you get yourself into those wonderful elastic waistband pants!!:) or it will be a long few months ahead- hahahIf you can find an Old Navy with the maternity section you'll likely score big time. Their clothes are great!
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