Tuesday, August 19, 2008


On Sunday, Gary and I woke up at 3:30am (yes, that is right) to go work at MIS (Michigan International Speedway race track) for Kodie's hockey team. I can't tell you when, if ever, I have seen 3:30 in the morning. We had to be at the race track at 5 in the morning to learn what we were going to be doing for the next 16 hours. We ended up loading and un-loading people from the Tram. The Tram is a trolley like system that takes people to different turns on the track. We were dropped off at our station at 6am and the gates didn't even open until 8am. So we sat there with 6 other people freezing our butts off for 2 hours. (Doesn't that sound like fun?!?) The entire morning, I kept thinking to myself, why are people up so early to walk around the track and why are they drinking beer at 8 in the morning on a Sunday? I have never seen soo many drunk hillbillies in my entire life. I felt pretty good throughout the entire day, but around 6pm started to get really sick. By 7pm, I was crying because I was in so much pain. At that time, Gary decided it was time for us to leave and we were taken back to our vehicle. I thought by this time I would be home in about 45 minutes max because it was almost 2 hours after the race ended. But NO, we were stuck in traffic FOREVER and ended up getting home at 8:45pm. Needless to say, Gary and I DID NOT have fun and will probably never work another race. I would also let anyone know who is thinking about working a race, that you get up at the butt crack of dawn to work 16 or more hours with a bunch of drunk hillbillies. Who wants to sign up??

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Didn't you ever work out there for sports in high school? I don't remember getting up at 3 for that though. Hope you are feeling better.