Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tigers Game-8/11/08

On Monday night my sisters Stacey and Jamie, Jamie's boyfriend Scott, my stepmom MaryAnn, Gary and I all went to the Tigers game. Stacey is living in Texas and Jamie & Scott are in Boston, so it is really rare that we all get to see each other at the same time. We had seats right behind the bull pen. MaryAnn kept waving to Fernando Rodney and he kept waving back to her and then she asked him for a ball. He didn't throw one to her but my sister Jamie went down to the wall and convinced him to finally give her a ball. MaryAnn was soo excited, you would have thought she just won the lottery. There were also 2 home run balls that landed on each side of us, only seats away! I really miss spending time with my other 2 sisters, so I really enjoyed that game.....even though the Tigers lost.

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