Monday, October 20, 2008

October 18 & 19, 2008

Saturday I finally used my massage gift certificate that Jamie & Kodie got me for my birthday last year. While I was doing that, Jamie & Kodie took Sidney to the vet for some shots and a nail clipping. That afternoon we went to Klavon's to eat pizza, have a couple beers and watch the MSU vs. Ohio State game. Kodie brought his friend Tucker, and Mindy & Phillip met us there. What a pathetic game. We left at halftime down by 28 points. As you all know, we lost 45-7. Oh well, I had been dying for some pizza from Klavon's. (chicago style) That evening we went to Mindy's parents house for a Halloween Party.

Sunday Kodie had a hockey game at home. We lost 0-5.

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