Saturday, December 13, 2008

Half Way There

Last Sunday, I hit 20 weeks and I can't believe that I am half way there, already! I can no longer button any of my pants because either they won't button or because it is to uncomfortable to have them buttoned. The belly bands are the greatest invention ever! My goal is to not buy anything maternity until the new year. I will have to see if I can last that long! Here is my 20 week photo...

1 comment:

Allison said...

ohhh Look at you Jamie! You're expanding! :) Not too much though you look great! I can't believe you are still wearing regular pants! They were so uncomfortable for me although I never did try the belly band but heard wonderful things about it. I will have to use that next time! Keep posting pics!

ps I think that belly ring will have to come out soon! haha