Monday, December 15, 2008

Weekend Update

We didn't do a whole lot this weekend. Kodie stayed home from school on Friday with an ear infection and subsequently skipped his Saturday hockey game in Southgate which the team lost 5-6. Although Kodie missed his game, he was feeling better in the afternoon so we went to see the movie Twilight while Jamie went to a baby shower in Holt for her friend Jessica. The movie was really good, after which we met Jamie in Lansing for dinner at BD's Mongolian BBQ. "Yum, my fav" My brother & Dana dropped Kaiden off about 6:30 pm for a few hours so they could see a movie. Kaiden was hilarious. He loves the cat.

On Sunday, Kodie had a home game against the Redford Royals which we won 7-5. Kodie played ok, but took a couple penalties. Oh well, he definitely wasn't 100% after being sick for two days.

Kaiden watching Sassy under the Christmas tree.

Kaiden in awe watching Kodie
playing with Sidney.


Kodie and Logan chasing the puck.

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