Friday, January 23, 2009

Best Son Ever!!!

Lately, everyone keeps asking me if Kodie is getting excited about becoming a big brother. I always tell them that he is, but I guess I didn't realize just how excited he was until last week. On Thursday and Friday of last week he didn't have any school because of the frigid weather. He was extremely bored Friday and was thinking of things he could do. Not to change the subject but let me start by saying that the nursery is no where close to being ready. (This will all make sense in a minute) We haven't done anything to it because we are waiting on the crib and dresser to arrive. In the meantime, we have just been throwing stuff in the room either on boxes or in boxes. Last year we received a glider chair from Gary's mom and brother for Christmas and never got around to putting it together. So when we found out we were pregnant, we knew we wanted to put it in the nursery. The chair along with some other items for the baby have just been thrown in room waiting for us to tackle this big job. I hope you can imagine how bad this room looked. When I got home from work on Friday, Kodie wanted to show me a surprise in the nursery. When I walked into the room, I just about lost it. (Those darn emotions) This is what I found...

Kodie had decided to organize the nursery!! He put together the glider and sat it in a corner of the room. The baby received a Raggedy Ann doll and stuffed animal for Christmas, so he took those items out of the box and sat them in the glider. He also put the bassinet that we received from Gary's mom in another corner. He went on to fold all of her clothes and put them under the bassinet and hang the clothes that were on hangers on the side of the bassinet. I could go on and on about what he did, but I think that you can get the hint that he arranged the entire nursery for us. He had everything put away and organized and all of the boxes had disappeared.

So, to answer the question about Kodie getting excited about being a big brother, I think that would be a big YES! Gary and I are so lucky to already have such a wonderful son and we can't wait to add a little girl to our family. I know that this little girl is going to steal Kodie's heart and he will forever be totally protective of her. She will never have to worry about a thing because she will always know that her big brother will do anything for her. We all can't wait to meet this little baby girl that will melt all of our hearts!!

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