Thursday, November 27, 2008

2nd Ultrasound

On Wednesday the 26th Jamie had another ultrasound. Dana did all the official measurements and every thing looks great. She has doubled in size in just 2 short weeks and weighs 10oz, amazing! We also got the results of the Quad test back and everything came back negative, which was a relief to know she will be a healthy baby girl. She is growing more every day and is still right on track to enter the world on April 25, 2009. Jamie's tummy is starting to poke out a little bit. It's cute. We are all getting more excited with each passing day.

Below are some 2d and 4d pictures from the ultrasound. The 4d pictures this weeks aren't as good as the last ones, but are still amazing to see. Dana said that the hardest time to get good 4d pics are between 18 and 22 weeks.

Definitely a girl!

See my toes!

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