Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Weekend Hockey Update

This weekend Kodie had 2 games. The first was Saturday, at home, vs The Vipers. Although we lost this game 2-5, Kodie scored his first goal of the season. From my vantage point on the glass it was a thing of beauty. He deeked his way across center ice, through 3 defenders, and finally scored on a pretty body fake that caught the goalie going the wrong way. I was quite excited. After the game we ate dinner at the Outback with my Mom, brother Jamie, and nephew Kaiden.

Sunday Kodie had a game in Farmington Hills against the Ice Breakers. At one point we were down 2-5, but rallied despite the dirty play from their opponents to end the game in a 5-5 tie.
Kodie played 2 of the best games on defense he has played all season. I was very proud of him.

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